Flexible Weighing & Dispensing Isolators

High containment performance for dispensing potent compounds

NLM 369 ONFAB Isolator B 06
NLM 369 ONFAB Isolator A 02
NLM 369 ONFAB Isolator A 04
NLM 369 ONFAB Isolator B 09
NLM 369 ONFAB Isolator B 07
NLM 369 ONFAB Isolator B 10
Drum Dispensing Isolator with Ezidock System OEB4
Drum filling isolator 1
IMG 0039
IMG 2313
IMG 2479
IMG 2665
IMG 4294
IMG 4904
NLM 369 ONFAB Isolator B 06
NLM 369 ONFAB Isolator A 02
NLM 369 ONFAB Isolator A 04
NLM 369 ONFAB Isolator B 09
NLM 369 ONFAB Isolator B 07
NLM 369 ONFAB Isolator B 10
Drum Dispensing Isolator with Ezidock System OEB4
Drum filling isolator 1
IMG 0039
IMG 2313
IMG 2479
IMG 2665
IMG 4294
IMG 4904

ONFAB’s range of flexible weighing and dispensing isolators provide high levels of containment at the most crucial stage of potent processing. The flexible isolator will allow an OEB 4 and OEB 5 containment performance when the API (Active Pharmaceutical Ingredient) is at its most concentrated.

The system can be used with the full range of containment split valves and active passive split valve for product bag charging, or with a simple product container and BIBO (Bag In Bag Out port).

With bespoke designs to provide many different environmental conditions, you can ensure your product processing specification and GMP compliance are achieved. The range of flexible weighing and dispensing isolators allows the weighing of product to below gram level accuracy. Users also benefit from a reduction in cleaning and cleaning validation, meaning multiple products can be weighed quickly and effectively.

Key Features

  • Short lead times
  • Nanogram containment performance
  • Mobile
  • Simple installation
  • Cost effective containment
  • Easy to use

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