MY-Compliance management system

News | 13th September 2021 | 2 mins read

In a further boost to our QHSE standards, Envair Technology has invested in the MY-Compliance Management System. The portal manages ISO standards, legal and aspects registers and is used in a wide variety of sectors including manufacturing, engineering and construction.

By allowing our QHSE team to manage compliance online, we'll be able to:

  • Capture incidents, accidents, near misses and hazards anywhere via the mobile app, compare data and identify trends
  • Capture non-conformance NCRs and snags and approve reports for CAPA
  • Identify actions to drive improvements
  • Keep on top of our assets and notifications whenever we need actions
  • Identify training requirements and ensure capabilities in our team
  • Improve engagement and communication across our business

With a strong quality and safety record, at Envair Technology we're big believers in using data to detect anomalies and predict outcomes so that we can manage compliance even more proactively. This is an exciting step forward and we look forward to even deeper insights thanks to the system.

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